Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Here comes the cool weather. Look! It's right over th- HERE!

I really like the summer. Not gonna lie. It's my favorite. Year-round summer is fine with me. When the wind gets a bit cooler, and the nights are a bit cozier, I guess I'm cool with that too. Since my last car was stolen, 6 months after I paid it off, I have put the purchase of a new one on the back burner. So far back in fact, it was on a different stove. With the rides on the motorcycle becoming less than inviting, especially when it gets to be 40 degrees outside, I have been entertaining the thought of 4 wheels more so these days. I took a trip to the car dealer, as you may have read in my last blog, and was very disappointed with the way I was treated. That saga is a screenplay in itself. I ended up going back, making a deal and buying the SUV after all. Then, three weeks later, they called me up, said the bank fell through at the requested interest rate, and I would need to sign a new deal. I shit my pants when they said the new interest rate was TRIPLE what it was when I signed. Slick bastards. Back and forth on the phone and with a blister on my calculator finger, I made a new deal. The deposit was taken and the car is now officially mine. I found a puddle of "fluid" on the driveway underneath her this morning too. How'm I doin'? I did have the chance to get some friends in on my radio show this past Friday. Some dudes I met at the computer repair place offered to stream it for me. That was cool. Hawaii, Cali, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida and others got to stop by. That was fun. My job is selling out. That is to say, they are franchising out the location. Being at the top of the food chain in my restaurant, I may be jobless in January. The president of the company stopped by a week or two ago and actually shook my hand as he met me, for the first time, and said "Welcome aboard". I just looked at him and said "Seriously?" I guess the door must close once again, for it to reopen elsewhere. I've got the day off today. I went to the roller rink last Sunday, with my girlfriend's 8 year old, and had a blast. I have the fever to go again, but she is not home this weekend. I am truly bummed. I really enjoyed last weekend and hope to get to go next week. I got my start in roller rinks. First job. First girlfriend. First kiss. First drunk. First time behind the Mic. Speed skating national team. Foosball. Video games. Balance. Music knowledge. All of it. My life was focused around the roller rink for a good twelve years.I would not be a DJ on the radio now if I hadn’t have gotten the experience then.
I walked in there, last Sunday, with the little one, and it all came back. My good friend Rene, who lives in Reddington Beach, also went back to our roots on the same day. - Unbeknown to me. I called him on the way back home to tell him but he was excited to tell me that he had just been skating, for the first time in years. I laughed as said I had just done the same. Good times. I need to get outside into this cool air. 73 degrees. I am ready for a ride on the crotch rocket with my Mp3 grooving in my helmet. Enjoy the fall my friends. aloha

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