Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Drive! (She said)

It's Saturday morning and the tears in my eyes will not stay away. I have been up for an hour and a half and the yawning has yet to subside. Every stretch of my jaw invites a new wave of water I cannot blink away. It sucks when you go to bed knowing that you can sleep late the next morning, and yet you wake up at the same time as your regular work day. The cat doesn't know it's Saturday and frankly could care less. It only wishes to get it's daily rubbins and then move along to it's regularly scheduled nap. By the time I feel able to lay again, it's time for the rest of the house to rise and play their instruments. My girlfriend complains about her hour long drive to work. She has for a year. I worked here on the beach for that same year and felt none of her pain. It took me six minutes to get to work for ever and ever. Now, I work an hour away too. The first week was magical. Long phone conversations, my favorite CD's over and over. Coffee sipping and toe tapping as the road stretches out in front of me. Then, just like the grand finale of a Vegas lounge act, the magic was gone. It took a month of being cut-off, filling up twice a week and standing in long, expensive coffee lines to become disenchanted. That CD bores me now and my head hurts from the earpiece phone conversations. I wish I could surf to work. Get in one l-o-n-g barrel and get dropped at the front door like a Long John Silver's commercial. This month has been an interesting one to say the least. It would seem I could use a stack of "Get out of jail free" cards in my wallet. Two employees of mine found themselves incarcerated this month. One got out and one is still enjoying the view. These were victimless crimes mind you, but jail-able nonetheless. I needed both of these guys. Like the Beatles needed Ringo. At this point in time, I place my right palm on my forehead. We made cookies last night. I stopped yawning. My eyes are swollen still though. I need some coffee and a shower. I don't need a radio though, the instruments of a happy family are my morning music. Now it's my turn to go wake the cat up.

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